Robert K. Masuda

Robert K. Masuda has served as the Senior Advisor of Special Programs Development for the U.S. Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Island Forestry, was the First Deputy of the Department of Land and Natural Resources for the State of Hawaii, and served as a YMCA executive at the local, national, and international level for 40 years. In 2011, he was honored by the Hawaii Conservation Alliance with the Distinguished Service Award.

On top of all of that, he’s a woodturner and a big supporter of Hawaii’s woodworking community. We are proud to have him as an Honorary member.

Meet Our Members

Don Albrecht


John App


Erhard C. Autrata


Damon Brunelle


David Carlin


Marcus Castaing


Richard Cunningham


Matthew D’Avella


Dan DeLuz


Kelly Dunn
